Monday, February 18, 2008

The Great Drought

I'm not sure if this is specific to Athens, or if this is a much wider spread epidemic. In either case, it sucks, like really really sucks, and desperately needs to be contained. I'm speaking, of course, of the paucity of marijuana.

It's really kind of strange to be honest. Everyone has seen that scene in Reservoir Dogs, where the undercover cop starts his "getting in the with the bad guys story." It starts of course with a weed drought. Now when I watched this scene, I always laughed. It seemed so ridiculous, no weed? Like none? Psssh, it could never happen. Too many smokers in this college town.

But here I sit, dry as a the Serengeti.

Fucked. Up.

What makes it all the stranger is simply how widespread it is. I've tried everyone, and I mean everyone I know that could possibly have a hookup. Same response, "Sorry Dude, I'm out." Which leads to one of two conclusions really. Either us potheads are far more interconnected than I previously thought we were, or something happened far up the chain. Which in turn leads to the interconnected theory.

So what happened? Why is everyone out? I'd love to be able to dissect this on any sort of sociological scale. To see how the flow of drugs moves, ebbs and flows, the reasons behind these changes in the market. I find it to be incredibly interesting, however, being at the very bottom of this pyramid, I can't see shit of what's going on.

In any case, the drought should break soon. Well, maybe not break, but I should be able to get back into the swing of things. Just in time to break in my new bubbler on my birthday no less. But I'll remember this time though, out of its simple uniqueness if nothing else.

Peace out, and good luck getting high.