Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The New Year and HBO

A happy Hew Year to everybody, I hope you all enjoyed it and got royally plastered or something. Mine was fairly tame, but I did go drinking and smoking and partying and such. So I would consider it a good time, but not the blow out, end all, beat all party that New Year's is cracked up to be.

In any event, I hope everybody had a good time.


I've been borrowing Chuck's DVDs of The Sopranos for a while now, and I have to say that I really enjoy that show, its really good and all that. Despite the favorable feeling that the sopranos gives me though, I've always been slightly reluctant to watch any other of the HBO dramas. Nothing drew me to them so to speak.

Man have I had a change of opinion.

I've been watching Rome and Deadwood the past couple of days, and quite simply, I'm blown away. Rome is great, that perfect mixture of historical epic and personal human stories. I likes it a lot.

Deadwood is what has really grabbed my eye though. Just so you get a picture of how awesome it is, Imagine the best western you've ever watched. Now make make it more awesome by a factor of five, throw in really talented actors and acting, great writing, a setting that will your jaw drop in its attention to detail, and make it 36 hours long.

I love Deadwood.

I haven't finished the first season yet, and I'm thinking about posting some sort of post mortem when I do. Just to codify all the thoughts and feelings I have towards the show, but what I'll probably do is either start watching the season over again, or go and try to nab the second season from Chuck.

Incidentally, I have over a hundred pages views on this blog thingie. I have to wonder, who are you people, and what interests you here? Isn't there TV and video games to be watched and played?

Readers... I'll never understand 'em.

Later everybody, all 101 of you.

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