Saturday, October 27, 2007


It's Halloween weekend here in Athens, and it's always an interesting time. There's just something about this giant block party, I never know quite how it's going to turn out. Or maybe it's just seeing all the people dressed up in the most outlandish outfits ever while drinking a whole bunch of alcohol. No matter how you look at it it's always a fun time.

Last year I went as a gangster, and it wasn't a bad costume. Pinstripe suit, fedora, I was looking good. This year however, due to laziness and just general being busy I have no costume. So I'm really wondering what the hell I should wear around tonight. Probably just my leather coat and hat of some sort, but I still kinda wish that I had the foresight to actually come up with something, or anything. I suppose at this point it doesn't matter in the least, I'm just going to go out and hang no matter what I'm wearing. It still kinda bothers me that i don't have a costume though.

Last night was extremely interesting, I decided to drop acid for the first time ever. It was a lot like shrooms to be honest, but very very different at the same time. More intense somehow? I'm not sure, but I'm going to remember that night for a good long while though. I mean we just walked everywhere, smoked cigarettes like my lungs were disappearing tomorrow, smoked a fair amount of weed, talked about every topic, saw the sunrise, it was a really good time. I probably don't want to do it again anytime soon, but it was an excellent experience. The crowning moment of the night was staggering to BP at 7 in the morning and buying cigarettes and M&M's, sometimes there's just no explaining things.

Other than all that things are chugging right along, life does it's thing. I'll probably try and finish some other story and post it up here at some point. If I want to write I've just got to do it, so expect more of that in the future. All in all, it promises to be a memorable weekend if nothing else.

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