Thursday, October 25, 2007


Yah, I'm pretty bad at this whole blogging thing, so as opposed to introducing myself in the first post, why not on post 3?

Alright, let's do this.

My name is Frank, and it's short for Francis. A hell of a moniker to say the least. Ever get called Frankenstein as a child, or told that you're named after a talking mule? It warps you a bit. In a good way though, it makes it much easier to laugh at life. You can't take yourself seriously when a talking ass shares your name.

I'm a nerd, and I enjoy it. I've played and still play table-top role playing games. My favorite system for that is Shadowrun 3rd edition, but I've played d20 the most. I also play a ton of video games, way too many to list here. Currently though, Rome:Total War, Bioshock, Street
Fighter 2, and Guitar Hero are the big time sinks. I really enjoy a good video game, probably just basic escapism, but it's still a really fun time.

I read a whole bunch, again too many books to conceivably list here. But my favorite authors are Joseph Heller, George R.R. Martin, Chuck Palahniuk ( I hope I spelled that right), Robert Heinlein, and few more that are pretty obscure. I'm currently reading "Still Life with Woodpecker" By Tom Robbins, and "Cryptonomicon" By Neal Stephenson. Both good books so far, I'd recommend them.

I also write a bit in my spare time, It's fairly amateur stuff and I never finish the damn things, but I write. To be honest, a life as a professional writer would be a dream job. However, I have to write well, write a whole bunch, and finish stories. Something that's rather hard to do in college life. Still though, I'll probably post chunks of stories or maybe even finished works *gasp* here.

Movies, how could I have forgotten movies? I'm a huge movie fan, I just really like them in some sort of unexplainable way. Favorite Film? Jesus, what a question... Blade Runner. Sci-Fi Noir and Harrison Ford, it's good shit. I'm also a big Wes Anderson fan, So I'm looking forward to the Darjeeling Unlimited coming out this weekend. Other than that, I think I can leave movies alone, It's such a big topic that it needs a whole post just to do it right.

Music! I'm a big music fan, almost everyone is, but it doesn't really change the fact. My favorite genres are Ska/Punk and Jazz, both very cool. I'm not feeling a list of bands that I like, but take it for granted that despite those two genres it's an eclectic and crazy list.

So there it is, a basic introduction. Some description and some stuff I like. It should be enough, after It seems to me the the idea behind a blog is to remain semi-anonymous, so it should be enough to at least set the tone. I'll see you next post.

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